We had started the Amazon Global Selling program in India in 2015 and today more than 70,000 exporters are selling millions of Made in India products to customers across the world. With this program, exporters kick start or expand their exports business at a fraction of the costs associated with traditional exports. From Day 1 of launch, exporters get access to hundreds of millions of customers across international markets and starting on Amazon Global Selling is as simple as creating a social media account.
The program is witnessing tremendous momentum with increasing interest from exporters across India. This momentum reflects in the fact that it took 3 years for us to enable $1 billion in exports, the second billion came in 18 months and the third one came in just 12 months. The program is helping boost exports from India. More importantly, in the last 15-18 months, the program is helping thousands of businesses balance the disruption in the domestic market as well as offline exports due to the pandemic. With logistics and supply chains impacted last year, compared to business as usual, our key focus during the period was on working with sellers on ensuring how the inventory reaches global FCs and from there to the customers.
We continue to see a strong demand from global customers for a range of Made in India products from STEM toys, jewelry, bed linen, healthcare products to tea, leather products and much more and are energised by this demand and the growing interest from businesses of all sizes from across India. As part of this, we had earlier in the year launched the Amazon Global Selling Propel Startup Accelerator to help emerging consumer products businesses create global brands from India and we will soon be announcing the winners of this program.